MsgBox "You entered:" & vbCrLf & TextEntry("Enter Some Text:", "Multiline Test") Function TextEntry(strPrompt, strTitle) Dim fs, web, doc Dim strFile, strChoice Dim intChars Dim dtTime On Error Resume Next Set web = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") If web Is Nothing Then TextEntry = "" Exit Function End If web.Width = 350 web.Height = 250 web.Offline = True web.AddressBar = False web.MenuBar = False web.StatusBar = False web.Silent = True web.ToolBar = False web.Navigate "about:blank" 'Wait for the browser to navigate to nowhere dtTime = Now Do While web.Busy 'Don't wait more than 5 seconds Wscript.Sleep 100 If (dtTime + 5/24/60/60) < Now Then TextEntry = "" web.Quit Exit Function End If Loop 'Wait for a good reference to the browser document Set doc = Nothing dtTime = Now Do Until Not doc Is Nothing Wscript.Sleep 100 Set doc = web.Document 'Don't wait more than 5 seconds If (dtTime + 5/24/60/60) < Now Then TextEntry = "" web.Quit Exit Function End If Loop 'Write the HTML form doc.Write "" & strTitle & "" doc.Write "" & strPrompt & "

" doc.Write "
" 'Show the form web.Visible = True 'Wait for the user to choose, but fail gracefully if a popup killer. Err.Clear Do Until doc.Forms(0).elements("submit").Value <> "OK" Wscript.Sleep 100 If doc Is Nothing Then TextEntry = "" web.Quit Exit Function End If If Err.Number <> 0 Then TextEntry = "" web.Quit Exit Function End If Loop 'Retrieve the chosen value TextEntry = doc.Forms(0).elements("textentry").Value web.Quit End Function