Function FormElements(strHtmText) 'Returns a dictionary of form "input" elements and their default values 'For example, with HTML text containing this: ' 'A declaration might be like this: 'Set dicForm = FormElements(strHtmText) 'With data testing like this: 'If dicForm.Exists("wpSection") Then MsgBox dicForm("wpSection") Dim arrInputs, strInputs, strInput, intCount, strName, strValue, dic Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") strInputs = strHtmText strInputs= Replace(strInputs, "")) strName = "" If InStr(1, strInput, " name=", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then strName = Mid(strInput, InStr(1, strInput, " name=", vbTextCompare)) strName = Mid(strName, InStr(strName, "=") + 1) Select Case Left(strName, 1) Case """" strName = Split(strName, """")(1) Case "'" strName = Split(strName, "'")(1) Case Else strName = Split(strName, " ")(0) End Select End If strValue = "" If InStr(1, strInput, " value=", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then strValue = Mid(strInput, InStr(1, strInput, " value=", vbTextCompare)) strValue = Mid(strValue, InStr(strValue, "=") + 1) Select Case Left(strValue, 1) Case """" strValue = Split(strValue, """")(1) Case "'" strValue = Split(strValue, "'")(1) Case Else strValue = Split(strValue, " ")(0) End Select End If If strName <> "" Then dic.Add strName, strValue End If Next Set FormElements = dic Set dic = Nothing End Function