Function HtmlDecode(strText) 'As String Dim strBuffer, lngPosition For lngPosition = 1 To Len(strText) If Mid(strText, lngPosition, 1) = "#" Then strBuffer = strBuffer & Chr("&H" & Mid(strText, lngPosition + 1, 2)) lngPosition = lngPosition + 2 Else strBuffer = strBuffer & Mid(strText, lngPosition, 1) End If Next HtmlDecode = strBuffer End Function Function HtmlEncode(strText) 'Because it is NEVER safe to display data that has been influenced by a user. Dim strBuffer, lngPos strBuffer = "" If Not IsNull(strText) Then If strText <> "" Then For lngPos = 1 To Len(strText) strBuffer = strBuffer & "&#" & Asc(Mid(strText, lngPos, 1)) & ";" Next End If HtmlEncode = strBuffer End Function