' If you use NT/2000 or IIS, please read this page on how ' to set up the Windows Script Host as a CGI service: ' http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q221/0/81.asp ' On any generic web server with no security restrictions ' (like Fnord or Tiny), all you need to do is set scripting ' to run with CSCRIPT.EXE and with no logo. Do this with a ' command like this: ' CSCRIPT //H:CSCRIPT //Nologo //S ' ' On NT/2000, you will also need to be sure the IIS user ' account has permission to run the CSCRIPT executable. The ' IIS lockdown tool usually removes that permission. ' ' NOTE: If you use Win95/98 you must modify ' this script! In the "ServerVariables" function, change ' the Windows NT/XP/2000 text ' CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Environment("PROCESS").Item(strVariable) ' to Win95/98 text: ' CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Environment.Item(strVariable) Main Sub Main Dim strTemp, strCookieCrumbs 'As String Dim varArray 'As Variant Dim Request, Cookies 'As Scripting.Dictionary 'Put query string data in a dictionary for easy access. strTemp = ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING") strTemp = Unescape(strTemp) Set Request = CreateDictionary(strTemp, "=", "&") 'Put cookies in a dictionary for easy access. strTemp = ServerVariables("HTTP_COOKIE") Set Cookies = CreateDictionary(strTemp, "=", ";") 'Test to see what action should be taken by the CGI. If Not Request.Exists("test") Then SendDefaultPage Exit Sub End If 'Create cookies to be sent strCookieCrumbs = "" strCookieCrumbs = strCookieCrumbs & "Set-Cookie: " strCookieCrumbs = strCookieCrumbs & "LastRequestTime=" & Split(Now)(1) & ";" 'typical sample cookie strCookieCrumbs = strCookieCrumbs & "path=/;" If Request.Exists("cookiename") And Request.Exists("cookievalue") Then If Request("cookiename") <> "" And Request("cookievalue") <> "" Then If strCookieCrumbs <> "" Then strCookieCrumbs = strCookieCrumbs & vbCrLf End If strCookieCrumbs = strCookieCrumbs & "Set-Cookie: " strCookieCrumbs = strCookieCrumbs & Request("cookiename") & "=" & Request("cookievalue") & ";" strCookieCrumbs = strCookieCrumbs & "path=/;" End If End If 'Send out http headers Wscript.Echo "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" Wscript.Echo "Pragma: no-cache" WScript.Echo "Cache-Control: private" Wscript.Echo "Content-type: text/html" If strCookieCrumbs <> "" Then Wscript.Echo "Set-Cookie: " & strCookieCrumbs WScript.Echo "" 'Send out html headers Wscript.Echo "" 'Show server variables WScript.Echo "

" & strTemp & "" & HtmlEncode(ServerVariables(strTemp)) & "
" 'Show GET request items WScript.Echo "

Request Items" Wscript.Echo "" varArray = Request.Keys For Each strTemp In varArray Wscript.Echo "" Next Wscript.Echo "
" & HtmlEncode(strTemp) & "" & HtmlEncode(Request(strTemp)) & "
" 'Show Cookies WScript.Echo "

Cookies" Wscript.Echo "" varArray = Cookies.Keys For Each strTemp In varArray Wscript.Echo "" Next Wscript.Echo "
" & HtmlEncode(strTemp) & "" & HtmlEncode(Cookies(strTemp)) & "
" 'Sample code to test a request item If Request.Exists("test") Then WScript.Echo "
You had a request item named "test". " If InStr(Request("test"), vbTab) = 0 Then 'Common assumption of single value WScript.Echo "The value was "" & Request("test") & "". " Else 'Special case of multiple items with same name For Each strTemp In Split(Request("test"), vbTab) WScript.Echo "The value was "" & strTemp & "". " Next End If Else WScript.Echo "
You didn't have a query item named "test". " End If 'Sample code testing a cookie If Cookies.Exists("test") Then WScript.Echo "
You had a cookie named "test". " WScript.Echo "The value was "" & Cookies("test") & "". " Else WScript.Echo "
You didn't have a cookie named "test". " End If 'Send page closing tags WScript.Echo "" End Sub Function ServerVariables(strVariable) ServerVariables = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Environment("PROCESS").Item(strVariable) End Function Function HtmlEncode(strText) 'As String 'Because it is NEVER safe to display raw data that can be influenced by the user. Dim strBuffer Dim lngPos For lngPos = 1 To Len(strText) strBuffer = strBuffer & "&#" & Asc(Mid(strText, lngPos, 1)) & ";" Next HtmlEncode = strBuffer End Function Function Unescape(strEncodedText) 'As String 'This accepts a url-encoded string and returns the decoded value 'For example "counts=9%2E3&name=Eric+Phelps" becomes "counts=9.3&name=Eric Phelps" Dim strBuffer, strUnescape 'As String Dim lPos 'As Long strUnescape = strEncodedText 'Convert plusses to spaces Do While Instr(strUnescape, "+") <> 0 strUnescape = Replace(strUnescape, "+", " ") Loop 'Convert escaped hex values to normal (%61 = a) strBuffer = "" lPos = 1 Do If Mid(strUnescape, lPos, 1) = "%" Then strBuffer = strBuffer + Chr(Cint("&H" + Mid(strUnescape, lPos + 1, 2))) lPos = lPos + 3 Else strBuffer = strBuffer + Mid(strUnescape, lPos, 1) lPos = lPos + 1 End If Loop Until lPos > Len(strUnescape) Unescape = strBuffer End Function Function CreateDictionary(strMultiplyDelimitedString, strItemSeparator, strEntrySeparator) 'As Scripting.Dictionary 'Accepts a multiply-delimited string and returns a dictionary. For example 'Set dict=CreateDictionary("counts=9.3&name=Eric Phelps", "=", "&") becomes available like this... 'dict.Item("counts") will return "9.3", and dict.Item("name") returns "Eric Phelps". 'Likewise dict.Exists("counts") is True and dict.Exists("xyftc") is False. Dim strQuery 'As String Dim strName 'As String Dim strValue 'As String Dim dict 'As Object Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") strQuery = strMultiplyDelimitedString Do While strQuery <> "" strName = Left(strQuery, InStr(strQuery, strItemSeparator) - 1) strQuery = Mid(strQuery, InStr(strQuery, strItemSeparator) + Len(strItemSeparator)) If InStr(strQuery, strEntrySeparator) = 0 Then strValue = strQuery strQuery = "" Else strValue = Left(strQuery, InStr(strQuery, strEntrySeparator) - 1) strQuery = Mid(strQuery, InStr(strQuery, strEntrySeparator) + Len(strEntrySeparator)) End If 'Allow for multiple items by tab-delimiting them If dict.Exists(strName) Then dict.Item(strName) = dict.Item(strName) & vbTab & strValue Else dict.Add strName, strValue End If Loop Set CreateDictionary = dict Set dict = Nothing End Function Sub SendDefaultPage 'Sends a page whose name is the same as the script '(but with htm extension). If page doesn't exist, 'it will be created. Dim fs, ts, strFileName, strWebContent Const ForReading = 1 Const ForWriting = 2 Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") strFileName = Left(Wscript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev(Wscript.ScriptFullName, ".")) & "htm" If Not fs.FileExists(strFileName) Then strWebContent = "

" strWebContent = strWebContent & "Request Item "test": " strWebContent = strWebContent & "
Create cookie named: " strWebContent = strWebContent & "
Give cookie value of: " strWebContent = strWebContent & "
" strWebContent = strWebContent & "
" Set ts = fs.OpenTextFile(strFileName, ForWriting, True) ts.Write strWebContent ts.Close End If Wscript.Echo "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" Wscript.Echo "Content-type: text/html" & vbCrLf Set ts = fs.OpenTextFile(strFileName, ForReading, True) strWebContent = ts.ReadAll ts.Close Wscript.Echo strWebContent End Sub