Function HasScripting() 'Returns True if able to create "Wscript.Shell" and '"Scripting.FileSystem" objects (some WinXP can fail!) Dim fs, ws, lngErrNum Err.Clear Set ws = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") lngErrNum = Err.Number Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") lngErrNum = lngErrNum + Err.Number If lngErrNum <> 0 Then If MsgBox ("You seem to have a bad (or old) installation of Microsoft Windows Scripting. I'd like to take you to a Microsoft web page where you can download Scripting Version 5.6. May I launch your default browser to show you the download page?", vbYesNo, "Update Needed") = vbYes Then ws.Run "", 1, False End If HasScripting = False Else HasScripting = True End If End Function