' Converts any video file (or a folder full of files) ' to MP4 H264. If a file or folder is not specfied, the ' script will offer to set up (or remove) right-click ' access to this script for any desired file type. Option Explicit ' REQUIRES "ffmpeg.exe" (and "pthreadGC2.dll") best obtained by installing ' Videora iPod converter from: http://www.videora.com/ then copying files. ' Ffmpeg needs H264 option compiled in, which is fairly rare. See also: ' http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=205275&package_id=248632 ' http://ffdshow.faireal.net/mirror/ffmpeg/ ' http://www.videohelp.com/tools/ffmpeg ' ' If available in the %PATH%, will use the ActiveX or command-line version ' of "MediaInfo"to get movie or show data. See http://mediainfo.sourceforge.net. ' ' If available in the %PATH%, will use "ExtractClosedCaptions.exe" ' (and Toub.MediaCenter.Dvrms.dll) to get captions from ms-dvr files. See: ' http://ericphelps.com/scripting/samples/2Phone/index.html ' ' If available in the %PATH%, will use "MP4Box.exe" to add subtitles ' directly to the MP4 file. See: ' http://kurtnoise.free.fr/mp4tools/ ' ' If available in the %PATH%, will use "AtomicParsley.exe" to ' add metadata to the MP4 file. See: ' http://sourceforge.net/projects/atomicparsley ' ' FFDSHOW required to permanently embed subtitles from ' http://sourceforge.net/projects/ffdshow-tryout/ ' ' AVISynth required to permanently embed subtitles from ' http://avisynth.org/ ' ' ' If an Internet connection is available, will parse information ' from http://www.imdb.com/ to get movie plot and release year data. ' as a backup (preference is to use embedded file data) ' ' MP4 files will play on Windows Mobile using TCPMP from: ' http://picard.exceed.hu/tcpmp/test/ ' MP4 files will play on Windows. Try these players: ' http://www.videolan.org/ ' http://mpui.sourceforge.net/ ' In addition to the trivial task of converting videos, this script ' attempts to organize the videos. Because my input files mostly come from ' Windows Media Center or DVR2WMV, I've written the script to accept ' those input naming conventions. Files are automatically renamed and ' placed in the correct output folder. For example: ' "Painkiller Jane - What Lies Beneath.wmv" would go in a "PainkillerJane" folder and be named "WhatLiesBeneath.mp4" ' "Das Boot_AMC_06_09_2007_06_00_02.dvr-ms" would go in a "Movies" folder and be called "DasBoot.mp4" 'These variables used to be constants, but when I allowed reading them 'in from an external file, it became easier to make them variables Dim BASE_FOLDER, MOVIES_SUBFOLDER, CONVERTER_EXE, COMMAND_LINE Dim OUTPUT_EXTENSION, FILE_EXTENSIONS, SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS, VERBOSE Dim SRT_SUBTITLE_DEFAULT_MAX_TIME, SMI_TIMING_CORRECTION Dim WAIT_FOR, PERMANENT_SUBTITLES, PERMANENT_SUBTITLES_SIZE, LOGGING Dim DELETE_SOURCE_FILES '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ' NOTE: The default settings below will be ignored in favor of ' values in the external INI file. An external INI file will ' offer to be created if it doesn't exist (unless it can't be!). ' If you don't want external file settings and don't want To ' be asked to confirm settings, create a dummy INI file (zero ' bytes or nothing but comments). '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'Videos will be placed in a subfolder under BASE_FOLDER. 'Failsafe to "My Documents" or "My Videos" or "My Movies" if BASE_FOLDER does not exist BASE_FOLDER = "E:\Video" 'If a series name can't be deduced, place the output in this subfolder. It will be created if needed. MOVIES_SUBFOLDER = "Movies" 'Specify the full path to the converter if it isn't in your PATH CONVERTER_EXE = "ffmpeg.exe" 'Run this command to do the actual conversion. The ALL_CAPS text will be replaced later. COMMAND_LINE = "CONVERTER_EXE -i INPUT -loop 1 -f mp4 -s 320x240 -r 15 -vcodec libx264 -level 13 -vb 100k -g 75 -coder 0 -threads auto -acodec libfaac -ac 1 -ab 16k -async 2 -title MOVIE_TITLE -comment MOVIE_DESCRIPTION OUTPUT" 'To discourage multiple instances, wait for these programs to finish WAIT_FOR = "ffmpeg.exe ExtractClosedCa" 'Output file will have (more or less) the same name as input except for this file extension OUTPUT_EXTENSION = ".mp4" 'If you process an entire folder, what source file types should you process? FILE_EXTENSIONS = "dvr-ms.avi.wmv.asf.mpg.mp4.m4v.mpeg" 'Subtitle or other associated files in order of desirability SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS = "srt.sub.idx.smi" 'Control how chatty the script will be VERBOSE = True 'If VERBOSE is True, would you also like all messages logged? LOGGING = False 'Limits on-screen subtitle times in SRT files generated by "ExtractClosedCaptions.exe" SRT_SUBTITLE_DEFAULT_MAX_TIME = 3 'Corrects SMI files produced by DVR2WMV (those files have subtitles appear several seconds early) SMI_TIMING_CORRECTION = 0 'Do you want hard-coded permanent subtitles (if you have AVISynth and FFDSHOW)? PERMANENT_SUBTITLES = True 'If you have permanent subtitles, how big should they be PERMANENT_SUBTITLES_SIZE = 36 'Should source files be deleted? DELETE_SOURCE_FILES = True 'If run with no arguments, offer to toggle right-click shortcut If WScript.Arguments.Count <> 1 Then ToggleRightClick(InputBox("Enter file extension to toggle right-click support for", "Right-Click Registration", ".dvr-ms")) WScript.Quit End If 'If a settings file exists, use it instead of the above default constants Dim dic, strName, strValue If CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").FileExists(FileNameLikeMine("ini")) Then 'Settings file exists. Read it in. Set dic = FileToDictionary(FileNameLikeMine("ini")) For Each strName In Split("BASE_FOLDER MOVIES_SUBFOLDER CONVERTER_EXE COMMAND_LINE WAIT_FOR OUTPUT_EXTENSION FILE_EXTENSIONS SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS VERBOSE LOGGING SRT_SUBTITLE_DEFAULT_MAX_TIME SMI_TIMING_CORRECTION PERMANENT_SUBTITLES DELETE_SOURCE_FILES PERMANENT_SUBTITLES_SIZE") If dic.Exists(strName) Then Execute strName & " = " & dic(strName) End If Next Else 'Correct the BASE_FOLDER if it doesn't exist BASE_FOLDER = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetParentFolderName(CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetParentFolderName(OutputFilePath(WScript.Arguments(0)))) 'Put the internal script settings into a dictionary Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") For Each strName In Split("BASE_FOLDER MOVIES_SUBFOLDER CONVERTER_EXE COMMAND_LINE WAIT_FOR OUTPUT_EXTENSION FILE_EXTENSIONS SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS VERBOSE LOGGING SRT_SUBTITLE_DEFAULT_MAX_TIME SMI_TIMING_CORRECTION PERMANENT_SUBTITLES PERMANENT_SUBTITLES_SIZE DELETE_SOURCE_FILES") If TypeName(Eval(strName)) = "String" Then dic.Add strName, """" & Eval(strName) & """" Else dic.Add strName, Eval(strName) End If Next 'Since no INI file exists, confirm the current settings and offer to save them as an INI file If DictionaryGUI(dic) Then DictionaryToFile dic, FileNameLikeMine("ini") End If 'Assume the settings were changed. Save them all DictionaryExecute(dic) End If 'Release the settings dictionary now that we're completely done with it Set dic = Nothing 'Declare a glogal dictionary for IMDB data Dim gdicImdbData Set gdicImdbData = Nothing 'Wait for other programs defined in WAIT_FOR WaitFor Main Sub Main Dim strInputFolder, strInputFile, strOutputFile, strFlagFile, fol, fs, ws Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set ws = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") strInputFolder = WScript.Arguments(0) If fs.FolderExists(strInputFolder) Then 'The "strInputFolder" is the expected folder. Go ahead and process the files in it ProcessFolder fs.GetFolder(strInputFolder) Exit Sub End If If Not fs.FileExists(strInputFolder) Then 'We didn't get a folder or a file MsgBox "The folder or file """ & strInputFile & """ does not exist." Exit Sub End If 'The "strInputFolder" we got is actually a file name! 'Assign a new name to make the code more readable strInputFile = strInputFolder 'Make sure we will be working with the long file name If VERBOSE Then Status "INPUT FILE: " & strInputFile strInputFile = LongName(strInputFile) If VERBOSE Then Status "INPUT FILE: " & strInputFile 'Only copy and process one file at a time strOutputFile = fs.BuildPath(fs.GetParentFolderName(OutputFilePath(strInputFile)), fs.GetFileName(strInputFile)) strFlagFile = fs.BuildPath(fs.GetParentFolderName(OutputFilePath(strInputFile)), fs.GetBaseName(WScript.ScriptName) & ".flag") Do Until Not(fs.FileExists(strFlagFile)) If VERBOSE Then Status "Waiting for other process to finish " & Now() WScript.Sleep (Int(299 * Rnd + 30)) * 1000 Loop fs.CreateTextFile strFlagFile, False 'If this is a UNC network file, try to copy it to the local drive If Left(strInputFile, 2) = "\\" Then If VERBOSE Then Status "COPYING: """ & strInputFile & """ to """ & strOutputFile & """" 'ws.Run "robocopy.exe " & """" & strInputFile & """ """ & strOutputFile & """" fs.CopyFile strInputFile, strOutputFile, False If fs.FileExists(strOutputFile) Then If fs.GetFile(strOutputFile).Size = fs.GetFile(strInputFile).Size Then If VERBOSE Then Status "COPIED: """ & strInputFile & """ to """ & strOutputFile & """" If DELETE_SOURCE_FILES Then If VERBOSE Then Status "DELETING: """ & strInputFile & """" End If RecycleFile strInputFile strInputFile = strOutputFile Else 'Bad file copy. Delete the bad copy and proceed with the original. If DELETE_SOURCE_FILES Then If VERBOSE Then Status "BAD COPY -- DELETING: """ & strOutputFile & """" End If End If End If End If 'Do the file conversion strOutputFile = ProcessFile(fs.GetFile(strInputFile)) 'Add the subtitles and whatnot If strOutputFile <> "" Then PostProcess strInputFile, strOutputFile 'Remove the flag to allow another process to start If fs.FileExists(strFlagFile) Then fs.DeleteFile strFlagFile 'Delete the original movie source file If DELETE_SOURCE_FILES Then If fs.FileExists(strInputFile) Then If VERBOSE Then Status "DELETING " & strInputFile RecycleFile strInputFile End If End If End Sub Sub ProcessFolder(objFolder) Dim fs, filsInput, filInput, folsInput, folInput, strInputFile, strOutputFile Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") On Error Resume Next 'Get each file in turn Set filsInput = objFolder.Files If Err.Number <> 0 Then Exit Sub For Each filInput In filsInput strInputFile = filInput.Path 'Only process files of the desired type If InStr(FILE_EXTENSIONS, fs.GetExtensionName(strInputFile)) <> 0 Then Status "" 'Process the file strOutputFile = ProcessFile(filInput) Set filInput = Nothing If strOutputFile <> "" Then PostProcess strInputFile, strOutputFile Else Status "IGNORING: " & filInput.Name End If Next End Sub Function ProcessFile(fil) 'Creates new version of video in destination. Returns output video file path. 'Moves (Copies and deletes) SMI file to destination Const WshNormalFocus = 1 Const WshMinimizedNoFocus = 7 Const TemporaryFolder = 2 Dim ws, fs, strDestFolder, strDestName, strSourceName, strCommand Dim strMovieTitle, strMovieDescription, strMovieReleaseDate, strWaitFor Dim blnRunning, objWMIService, colItems, objItem, lngDelay, strSrtFile Dim strAvsFile Set ws = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Wait for other programs defined in WAIT_FOR WaitFor strDestName = OutputFilePath(fil.Path) 'If subtitle files exist, move them to the destination folder SubtitleFileMove fil.Path, strDestName 'Bail out if the destination file already exists If fs.FileExists(strDestName) Then Status "SKIPPING: " & strDestName If DELETE_SOURCE_FILES Then If VERBOSE Then Status "DELETING: " & fil.Path RecycleFile fil.Path End If ProcessFile = "" Exit Function End If 'Create the AVS file so we can hard-embed subtitles strAvsFile = MakeAVSFile(fil.Path, fs.GetBaseName(strDestName), fs.GetParentFolderName(strDestName)) If VERBOSE Then If strAvsFile = "" Then If VERBOSE Then Status "AVS file creation not enabled or not possible" Else If VERBOSE Then Status "AVS file created: " & strAvsFile End If End If 'We'll need subtitles early if we have to hard-embed them If strAvsFile <> "" Then 'Wait for other programs defined in WAIT_FOR WaitFor 'Make the subtitles strSrtFile = MovieSubTitleFile(fil.Path, fs.BuildPath(fs.GetParentFolderName(strDestName), fs.GetBaseName(strDestName) & ".srt")) If strSrtFile <> "" Then fs.CopyFile strSrtFile, fs.BuildPath(fs.GetParentFolderName(strDestName), fs.GetBaseName(fil.Path) & ".srt") End If 'Set up the FFDSHOW registry to insure subtitles are on (we never undo this) ws.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\GNU\ffdshow\default\fontColor", RGB(255, 255, 255), "REG_DWORD" ws.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\GNU\ffdshow\default\fontSize", PERMANENT_SUBTITLES_SIZE, "REG_DWORD" ws.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\GNU\ffdshow\default\isSubtitles", 1, "REG_DWORD" End If 'If we don't have subtitles, then there's no point in having an AVS file If strSrtFile = "" Then If strAvsFile <> "" Then If fs.FileExists(strAvsFile) Then If VERBOSE Then Status "No subtitle file! Deleting unneeded AVS file." fs.DeleteFile strAvsFile End If strAvsFile = "" End If End If 'Wait for other programs defined in WAIT_FOR WaitFor 'Try to find movie title strMovieTitle = MovieTitle(fil.Path) 'Now that we know the title, get all the IMDB data on the movie If gdicImdbData Is Nothing Then Set gdicImdbData = CreateDictionaryIMDB(strMovieTitle) 'Wait for other programs defined in WAIT_FOR WaitFor 'Find the movie plot description strMovieDescription = MovieDescription(fil.Path, strMovieTitle) 'Wait for other programs defined in WAIT_FOR WaitFor 'Convert the video file strCommand = COMMAND_LINE strCommand = Replace(strCommand, "CONVERTER_EXE", CONVERTER_EXE) If strAvsFile = "" Then strCommand = Replace(strCommand, "INPUT", """" & fil.Path & """") Else strCommand = Replace(strCommand, "INPUT", """" & strAvsFile & """") End If strCommand = Replace(strCommand, "OUTPUT", """" & strDestName & """") strCommand = Replace(strCommand, "MOVIE_TITLE", """" & Replace(strMovieTitle, """", "") & """") strCommand = Replace(strCommand, "MOVIE_DESCRIPTION", """" & Replace(strMovieDescription, """", "") & """") If VERBOSE Then Status "RUNNING: " & strCommand Else Status "CONVERTING MOVIE ..." End If ws.Run strCommand, WshMinimizedNoFocus, True 'If we used AVISynth, we likely lost the audio. Put it back in. If strAvsFile <> "" Then 'Extract the audio stream as a separate file strCommand = CONVERTER_EXE & " -i " & """" & fil.Path & """" strCommand = strCommand & " -acodec libfaac -ac 1 -ab 16k " & """" strCommand = strCommand & fs.BuildPath(fs.GetParentFolderName(strDestName), fs.GetBaseName(strDestName) & ".aac") strCommand = strCommand & """" If VERBOSE Then Status "Running " & strCommand ws.Run strCommand, WshMinimizedNoFocus, True 'Wait for antivirus to pass file WScript.Sleep 500 'Insert the audio stream into the MP4 output file strCommand = "MP4Box.exe -tmp" & " " & """" & fs.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder) & """" strCommand = strCommand & " " & "-add" strCommand = strCommand & " " & """" & fs.BuildPath(fs.GetParentFolderName(strDestName), fs.GetBaseName(strDestName) & ".aac") & """" strCommand = strCommand & " " & """" & strDestName & """" If VERBOSE Then Status "Running " & strCommand ws.Run strCommand, WshMinimizedNoFocus, True End If 'Clean up If DELETE_SOURCE_FILES Then RecycleFile fs.BuildPath(fs.GetParentFolderName(strDestName), fs.GetBaseName(strDestName) & ".aac") RecycleFile strAvsFile End If 'Return the destination file name ProcessFile = strDestName End Function Sub WaitFor() Dim blnRunning, strWaitFor, objWMIService, objItem, colItems, lngDelay 'Don't start if another instance of the converter is running blnRunning = True Do While blnRunning = True blnRunning = False For Each strWaitFor In Split(WAIT_FOR, " ") Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2") Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select Name from Win32_Process where Name='" & strWaitFor & "'",,48) For Each objItem in colItems blnRunning = True Status "Waiting for " & strWaitFor & " " & Now() Next 'Wait a random time If blnRunning Then Randomize lngDelay = Int(299 * Rnd + 30) WScript.Sleep lngDelay * 1000 End If Next Loop End Sub Sub PostProcess(strInputFile, strOutputFile) 'Things to do after the file has been converted. Dim fs, strMovieDescription, strMovieReleaseDate, strMovieSubtitleFile Dim ws, strCommand, strMovieTitle, strYear Const WshNormalFocus = 1 Const WshMinimizedNoFocus = 7 Const TemporaryFolder = 2 Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set ws = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") 'Check for an apparently good output file If fs.FileExists(strOutputFile) Then 'Check for reasonable output file size If (fs.GetFile(strOutputFile).Size > (fs.GetFile(strInputFile).Size / 30)) Then 'At this point, we probably have a good output file. If VERBOSE Then Status "GOOD OUTPUT FILE" 'This only works on MP4 files. If fs.GetExtensionName(strOutputFile) = "mp4" Then strMovieTitle = MovieTitle(strInputFile) strMovieDescription = MovieDescription(strInputFile, strMovieTitle) strMovieReleaseDate = MovieReleaseDate(strInputFile, strMovieTitle) strMovieSubtitleFile = MovieSubtitleFile(strInputFile, strOutputFile) 'Try to make it more iPod compatible (still works on Windows) strCommand = "MP4Box.exe -tmp" & " " & """" & fs.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder) & """" strCommand = strCommand & " " & "-ipod" strCommand = strCommand & " " & """" & strOutputFile & """" If VERBOSE Then Status "RUNNING: " & strCommand ws.Run strCommand, WshMinimizedNoFocus, True 'Add the subtitles If strMovieSubtitleFile <> "" Then 'mp4box.exe -add test.mpg#video -add test.mpg#audio -add test.srt test.mp4 strCommand = "MP4Box.exe -tmp" & " " & """" & fs.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder) & """" strCommand = strCommand & " " & "-add" strCommand = strCommand & " " & """" & strMovieSubtitleFile & """" strCommand = strCommand & " " & """" & strOutputFile & """" If VERBOSE Then Status "RUNNING: " & strCommand Else Status "ADDING SUBTITLES ..." End If ws.Run strCommand, WshMinimizedNoFocus, True End If 'Add the movie metadata strCommand = "AtomicParsley.exe" & " " & """" & strOutputFile & """" strCommand = strCommand & " --overWrite" strCommand = strCommand & " --description " & """" & Replace(strMovieDescription, """", "") & """" strCommand = strCommand & " --year " & """" & strMovieReleaseDate & """" strCommand = strCommand & " --genre " & """" & MovieGenre(strInputFile, strMovieTitle) & """" strCommand = strCommand & " --artist " & """" & "" & """" strCommand = strCommand & " --encodingTool " & """FFMPEG MediaInfo MP4Box AtomicParsley FFDSHOW AVISynth """ If VERBOSE Then Status "RUNNING: " & strCommand Else Status "ADDING METADATA ..." End If ws.Run strCommand, WshMinimizedNoFocus, True End If If DELETE_SOURCE_FILES Then If VERBOSE Then Status "DELETING: " & strInputFile RecycleFile strInputFile 'If VERBOSE Then Status "DELETING: " & strMovieSubtitleFile 'RecycleFile strMovieSubtitleFile End If Else Status "BAD OUTPUT FILE: " & strOutputFile End If End If End Sub Function OutputFilePath(strInputFile) Dim strBaseFolder, fol, strDestFolder, strDestName, fs Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Failsafe in case BASE_FOLDER does not exist because of unedited script If fs.FolderExists(BASE_FOLDER) Then strBaseFolder = BASE_FOLDER Else If VERBOSE Then Status "BASE FOLDER: " & BASE_FOLDER & " does not exist" strBaseFolder = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").SpecialFolders("MyDocuments") For Each fol In fs.GetFolder(strBaseFolder).SubFolders If fol.Name = "My Movies" Then strBaseFolder = fol.Path Exit For End If If fol.Name = "My Videos" Then strBaseFolder = fol.Path Exit For End If Next If VERBOSE Then Status "CHANGED OUTPUT FOLDER TO: " & strBaseFolder End If 'Try to figure out where to put the completed file. For example, '"Painkiller Jane - What Lies Beneath.wmv" would go in the "PainkillerJane" folder. If InStr(fs.GetBaseName(strInputFile), " - ") = 0 Then strDestFolder = fs.BuildPath(strBaseFolder, MOVIES_SUBFOLDER) Else strDestFolder = fs.BuildPath(strBaseFolder, RemoveSpaces(Left(fs.GetBaseName(strInputFile), InStr(fs.GetBaseName(strInputFile), " - ") - 1))) End If If Not fs.FolderExists(strDestFolder) Then fs.CreateFolder strDestFolder End If 'Make a no-spaces file name for the output. For example, '"Painkiller Jane - What Lies Beneath.wmv" would be called "WhatLiesBeneath.mp4" '"Das Boot_AMC_06_09_2007_06_00_02.dvr-ms" would be called "DasBoot.mp4" If InStr(fs.GetBaseName(strInputFile), " - ") = 0 Then If fs.GetExtensionName(strInputFile) = "dvr-ms" And InStr(fs.GetBaseName(strInputFile), "_") <> 0 Then strDestName = Left(fs.GetBaseName(strInputFile), InStr(fs.GetBaseName(strInputFile), "_") - 1) strDestName = RemoveSpaces(strDestName) strDestName = fs.BuildPath(strDestFolder, strDestName & OUTPUT_EXTENSION) Else strDestName = fs.BuildPath(strDestFolder, fs.GetBaseName(RemoveSpaces(fs.GetBaseName(strInputFile))) & OUTPUT_EXTENSION) End If Else strDestName = Mid(fs.GetBaseName(strInputFile), InStr(fs.GetBaseName(strInputFile), " - ") + 3) strDestName = RemoveSpaces(strDestName) strDestName = fs.BuildPath(strDestFolder, fs.GetBaseName(strDestName) & OUTPUT_EXTENSION) End If If VERBOSE Then Status "OUTPUT FILE: " & strDestName OutputFilePath = strDestName End Function Sub SubtitleFileMove(strInputMovie, strOutputMovie) 'Insures all subtitle files (if any exists) have been MOVED to the output movie folder 'Converts any existing SMI files to SRT so they can be embedded in the movie later Const WshNormalFocus = 1 Const WshMinimizedNoFocus = 7 Dim fs, ws, strSubtitleExtension, strCommand Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set ws = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") 'Check each possible subtitle file For Each strSubtitleExtension In Split(SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS, ".") 'Check to see if the source file exists If fs.FileExists(FileNameRelated(strInputMovie, strSubtitleExtension)) Then 'Check to see if a subtitle file already exists in the output folder If fs.FileExists(FileNameRelated(strOutputMovie, strSubtitleExtension)) Then If VERBOSE Then Status "SUBTITLE SKIPPING: " & FileNameRelated(strOutputMovie, strSubtitleExtension) Else If VERBOSE Then Status "SUBTITLE COPYING TO: " & FileNameRelated(strOutputMovie, strSubtitleExtension) fs.CopyFile FileNameRelated(strInputMovie, strSubtitleExtension), FileNameRelated(strOutputMovie, strSubtitleExtension) 'Now check to see if there is an SMI subtitle file we've just copied If strSubtitleExtension = "smi" Then WScript.Sleep 2000 'Wait for antivirus to allow file system access? If fs.FileExists(FileNameRelated(strOutputMovie, "smi")) Then 'First fix the timimg on the SMI file If VERBOSE Then Status "SUBTITLE SMI FILE ADJUSTING TIMING BY " & SMI_TIMING_CORRECTION & " SECONDS" SubtitleSmiTimimgAdjust FileNameRelated(strOutputMovie, "smi") 'Wait for antivirus to allow file system access? WScript.Sleep 2000 'Now convert the file to an SRT file (so we can embed it later) If Not fs.FileExists (FileNameRelated(strOutputMovie, "srt")) Then If VERBOSE Then Status "SUBTITLE CONVERTING SMI FILE TO SRT: " & FileNameRelated(strOutputMovie, "srt") String2File SubtitleSmi2Srt(FileNameRelated(strOutputMovie, "smi") ), FileNameRelated(strOutputMovie, "srt") End If End If End If End If 'Delete the source SMI file if the destination exists If fs.FileExists(FileNameRelated(strOutputMovie, strSubtitleExtension)) Then If DELETE_SOURCE_FILES Then If VERBOSE Then Status "SUBTITLE DELETING: " & FileNameRelated(strInputMovie, strSubtitleExtension) RecycleFile FileNameRelated(strInputMovie, strSubtitleExtension) End If End If End If Next End Sub Function MovieTitle(strFile) 'Returns a likely movie title from a filename input. Dim fs, strMovieTitle Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Try to find movie title strMovieTitle = "" 'See if the file has movie title properties If strMovieTitle = "" Then strMovieTitle = MediaInfo(strFile, "Title") If strMovieTitle = "" Then strMovieTitle = MediaInfo(strFile, "Movie") 'If no file properties, use the file name as the movie name If strMovieTitle = "" Then strMovieTitle = fs.GetBaseName(strFile) If fs.GetExtensionName(strFile) = "dvr-ms" Then If InStr(strMovieTitle, "_") <> 0 Then strMovieTitle = Left(strMovieTitle, InStr(strMovieTitle, "_") - 1) End If End If If fs.GetExtensionName(strFile) = "wmv" Then If InStr(strMovieTitle, " - ") <> 0 Then strMovieTitle = Right(strMovieTitle, InStr(strMovieTitle, " - ") + 3) End If End If End If strMovieTitle = Sanitize(strMovieTitle) If VERBOSE Then Status "MOVIE TITLE: " & strMovieTitle MovieTitle = strMovieTitle End Function Function MovieGenre(strFile, strMovieTitle) 'Returns a likely genre category list from a filename and title input Dim fs, strMovieGenre, strKey, strKeys On Error Resume Next Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Default value strMovieGenre = "" 'See if the file has genre properties If strMovieGenre = "" Then strMovieGenre = MediaInfo(strFile, "Genre") 'If no file properties, try IMDB If strMovieGenre = "" Then For Each strKey In gdicImdbData.Keys If strKeys <> "" Then strKeys = strKeys & ", " strKeys = strKeys & """" & strKey & """" Next If VERBOSE Then Status "IMDB SEARCHING KEYS: " & strKeys strMovieGenre = gdicImdbData.Item("Genre") If VERBOSE Then Status "IMDB GENRE: " & strMovieGenre End If If VERBOSE Then Status "MOVIE GENRE: " & strMovieGenre strMovieGenre = Sanitize(strMovieGenre) MovieGenre = strMovieGenre End Function Function MovieDescription(strFile, strMovieTitle) 'Returns a likely plot description from a filename and title input Dim strMovieDescription, strKey, strKeys On Error Resume Next strMovieDescription = "" 'See if the file has existing description properties If strMovieDescription = "" Then strMovieDescription = Sanitize(MediaInfo(strFile, "Comment")) If strMovieDescription = "" Then strMovieDescription = Sanitize(MediaInfo(strFile, "Title/More")) If strMovieDescription = "" Then strMovieDescription = Sanitize(MediaInfo(strFile, "Movie/More")) 'See if we can get plot description from imdb.com If strMovieDescription = "" Then For Each strKey In gdicImdbData.Keys If strKeys <> "" Then strKeys = strKeys & ", " strKeys = strKeys & """" & strKey & """" Next If VERBOSE Then Status "IMDB SEARCHING KEYS: " & strKeys strMovieDescription = Sanitize(gdicImdbData.Item("Plot Outline")) If VERBOSE Then Status "IMDB PLOT OUTLINE: " & Left(strMovieDescription, 50) & " ..." End If If strMovieDescription = "" Then For Each strKey In gdicImdbData.Keys If strKeys <> "" Then strKeys = strKeys & ", " strKeys = strKeys & """" & strKey & """" Next If VERBOSE Then Status "IMDB SEARCHING KEYS: " & strKeys strMovieDescription = Sanitize(gdicImdbData.Item("Tagline")) If VERBOSE Then Status "IMDB TAGLINE: " & Left(strMovieDescription, 50) & " ..." End If 'Return a value strMovieDescription = Sanitize(strMovieDescription) If VERBOSE Then Status "MOVIE DESCRIPTION: " & Left(strMovieDescription, 50) & " ..." MovieDescription = strMovieDescription End Function Function MovieReleaseDate(strFile, strMovieTitle) 'Find the movie release date from a filename and title input 'Date is returned in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format Dim strMovieReleaseDate, strKey, strKeys On Error Resume Next strMovieReleaseDate = "" 'See if the file has release date properties If strMovieReleaseDate = "" Then strMovieReleaseDate = FirstNumber(MediaInfo(strFile, "Original/Released_Date")) If IsNumeric(strMovieReleaseDate) Then If Clng(strMovieReleaseDate) < Clng(1900) Then If VERBOSE Then Status "INVALID DATE: Original/Released_Date " & strMovieReleaseDate strMovieReleaseDate = "" Else If VERBOSE Then Status "DATE: Original/Released_Date " & strMovieReleaseDate End If Else If VERBOSE Then Status "INVALID DATE: " & strMovieReleaseDate strMovieReleaseDate = "" End If End If If strMovieReleaseDate = "" Then strMovieReleaseDate = FirstNumber(MediaInfo(strFile, "WM/MediaOriginalBroadcastDate")) If IsNumeric(strMovieReleaseDate) Then If Clng(strMovieReleaseDate) < Clng(1900) Then If VERBOSE Then Status "INVALID DATE: WM/MediaOriginalBroadcastDate " & strMovieReleaseDate strMovieReleaseDate = "" Else If VERBOSE Then Status "DATE: WM/MediaOriginalBroadcastDate " & strMovieReleaseDate End If Else If VERBOSE Then Status "INVALID DATE: " & strMovieReleaseDate strMovieReleaseDate = "" End If End If 'See if we can get a release date from imdb.com If strMovieReleaseDate = "" Then For Each strKey In gdicImdbData.Keys If strKeys <> "" Then strKeys = strKeys & ", " strKeys = strKeys & """" & strKey & """" Next If VERBOSE Then Status "IMDB SEARCHING KEYS: " & strKeys strMovieReleaseDate = gdicImdbData.Item("Release Date") If VERBOSE Then Status "IMDB RELEASE DATE: " & strMovieReleaseDate If strMovieReleaseDate <> "" Then 'Convert freeform text into a decent date If InStr(strMovieReleaseDate, "(") <> 0 Then strMovieReleaseDate = Left(strMovieReleaseDate, InStr(strMovieReleaseDate, "(") - 1) If VERBOSE Then Status "IMDB RELEASE DATE EDITED: " & strMovieReleaseDate End If If IsDate(strMovieReleaseDate) Then strMovieReleaseDate = Year(CDate(strMovieReleaseDate)) Else If VERBOSE Then Status "IMDB RELEASE DATE IS NOT A DATE" strMovieReleaseDate = "" End If End If End If 'Settle for encoded date which hopefully proxies for air date. If strMovieReleaseDate = "" Then strMovieReleaseDate = FirstNumber(MediaInfo(fil.Path, "Encoded date")) If IsNumeric(strMovieReleaseDate) Then If Clng(strMovieReleaseDate) < Clng(1900) Then If VERBOSE Then Status "INVALID DATE: Encoded date " & strMovieReleaseDate strMovieReleaseDate = "" Else If VERBOSE Then Status "DATE: Encoded date " & strMovieReleaseDate End If Else If VERBOSE Then Status "INVALID DATE: " & strMovieReleaseDate strMovieReleaseDate = "" End If End If 'If all else fails, just use the source file date If strMovieReleaseDate = "" Then If VERBOSE Then Status "USING FILE DATE" strMovieReleaseDate = Year(CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFile(strFile).DateCreated) End If 'Just in case I blew everything, return something If strMovieReleaseDate = "" Then strMovieReleaseDate = "1900" End If 'Return a value 'strMovieReleaseDate = strMovieReleaseDate & "-01-01 00:00:00" If VERBOSE Then Status "MOVIE RELEASE DATE: " & strMovieReleaseDate MovieReleaseDate = strMovieReleaseDate End Function Function MediaInfo(strFile, strName) 'Returns the value of a named element in the media file. Dim obj, hnd, strInfo, fs, ws, ts Set obj = Nothing strInfo = "" On Error Resume Next Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Try running the command line version If VERBOSE Then Status "RUNNING: " & "mediainfo.exe --Inform=General;%" & strName & "% " & """" & strFile & """" Set ws = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Set ts = ws.Exec("mediainfo.exe --Inform=General;%" & strName & "% " & """" & strFile & """") If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'Run the ActiveX version of MediaInfo Set obj = CreateObject("MediaInfo.ActiveX") If Not (obj Is Nothing) Then If VERBOSE Then Status "RUNNING MediaInfo.ActiveX" hnd = obj.MediaInfo_New() 'MediaInfo can't take variables, but works with this: obj.MediaInfo_Open hnd, fs.GetFile(strFile).Path strInfo = obj.MediaInfo_Get(hnd, 0, 0, Cstr(strName), 1, 0) obj.MediaInfo_Close hnd obj.MediaInfo_Delete hnd End If Else 'Get the output from the command line version Do While ts.Status = 0 WScript.Sleep 100 Loop strInfo = ts.StdOut.ReadAll End If 'Return a value strInfo = Sanitize(strInfo) If VERBOSE Then Status "PROPERTY " & strName & ": " & Left(strInfo, 50) MediaInfo = strInfo End Function Function MovieSubTitleFile(strInputFile, strOutputFile) 'Returns a file name containing subtitles 'If it finds "dvr-ms" closed-captions, it will create and copy an SRT file to the output folder. 'Uses ExtractClosedCaptions.exe from 'http://www.showanalyser.com/forums/attachment.php?s=cfbfdaa49a8d8af0abf477698eacf7bc&attachmentid=149&d=1186915917 Dim ws, fs, strSubtitles, strSubFile, strSubtitleExtension, strCommand Const WshNormalFocus = 1 Const WshMinimizedNoFocus = 7 Set ws = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") strSubtitles = "" 'Set the default return value 'First try creating a subtitle file from the closed captions in a dvr-ms file If fs.GetExtensionName(strInputFile) = "dvr-ms" Then 'Only run the command if we don't already have an SRT file If Not(fs.FileExists( fs.BuildPath(fs.GetParentFolderName(strOutputFile), fs.GetBaseName(strOutputFile) & ".srt"))) Then On Error Resume Next strCommand = "ExtractClosedCaptions.exe " & """" & strInputFile & """" & " " & "2500" If VERBOSE Then Status "RUNNING: " & strCommand Else Status "CONVERTING CLOSED CAPTIONS INTO SUBTITLES ..." End If ws.Run strCommand, WshMinimizedNoFocus, True WScript.Sleep 2000 'Give time for antivirus test so file can be recognized by file system 'If it worked, an SRT file was created strSubFile = Replace(strInputFile, ".dvr-ms", ".srt") strSubFile = fs.BuildPath(fs.GetParentFolderName(strInputFile), fs.GetBaseName(strInputFile) & ".srt") If fs.FileExists(strSubFile) Then If VERBOSE Then Status "SUBTITLE FILE EXISTS: " & strSubFile 'Figure out the name of the subtitle final location strSubtitles = fs.BuildPath(fs.GetParentFolderName(strOutputFile), fs.GetBaseName(strOutputFile) & ".srt") 'Move the subtitle file to the output folder If VERBOSE Then Status "SUBTITLE FILE MOVING: " & strSubtitles fs.CopyFile strSubFile, strSubtitles, False If DELETE_SOURCE_FILES Then If ((fs.FileExists(strSubtitles)) And (fs.FileExists(strSubFile))) Then RecycleFile strSubFile End If If fs.FileExists(strSubtitles) Then If VERBOSE Then Status "SUBTITLE FILE MOVED: " & strSubtitles 'Fix the timing problem endemic to ExtractClosedCaptions.exe SRT files SubtitleSrtLimit strSubtitles Else If VERBOSE Then Status "SUBTITLE FILE MOVE FAILED" End If Else If VERBOSE Then Status "SUBTITLE FILE NOT CREATED: " & strSubFile End If End If End If 'See if there is an existing subtitle file in the destination folder If strSubtitles = "" Then For Each strSubtitleExtension In Split(SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS, ".") 'Pick the first good file and ignore the rest If strSubtitles = "" Then 'Check to see if the source file exists strSubtitles = fs.BuildPath(fs.GetParentFolderName(strOutputFile), fs.GetBaseName(strOutputFile) & "." & strSubtitleExtension) If Not fs.FileExists(strSubtitles) Then strSubtitles = "" End If Next End If 'Return a value If VERBOSE Then Status "SUBTITLE FILE: " & strSubTitles MovieSubTitleFile = strSubTitles End Function Function CreateDictionaryIMDB(strMovieTitle) 'Get movie data from IMDB in form of a dictionary Dim strTitle, strUrl, strData, strName, strValue, dict Const FEELING_LUCKY = True 'If you want to take the first hit on an inexact title match Const NAME_START = "
" Const NAME_STOP = ":" Const VALUE_START = "
" Const VALUE_STOP = "
1." Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") strTitle = strMovieTitle strTitle = Replace(strTitle, """", "") strTitle = Trim(strTitle) strTitle = Replace(strTitle, " ", "+") strUrl = "http://www.imdb.com/Tsearch?title=" & strTitle If VERBOSE Then Status "IMDB RETRIEVING: " & strUrl strData = GetData(strUrl) strData = Replace(strData, vbCr, "") strData = Replace(strData, vbLf, "") If InStr(1, strData, "imdb", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then 'No exact match If Not FEELING_LUCKY Then 'Not feeling lucky? Return an empty dictionary. If VERBOSE Then Status "IMDB NOT FEELING LUCKY" IMDB = dict Exit Function Else 'Feeling lucky? Follow the first movie link on the page. If Instr(1, strData, LUCKY_LINK_START, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then If VERBOSE Then Status "IMDB NO MATCHES" strData = "" Else strUrl = Mid(strData, Instr(1, strData, LUCKY_LINK_START, vbTextCompare)) strUrl = Mid(strUrl, InStr(1, strUrl, " href", vbTextCompare) + 5) Do While InStr(" ""=", Left(strUrl, 1)) <> 0 strUrl = Mid(strUrl, 2) Loop strUrl = Left(strUrl, InStr(strUrl, ">") - 1) Do While InStr(">"" ", Right(strUrl, 1)) <> 0 strUrl = Left(strUrl, Len(strUrl) - 1) Loop strUrl = MakeAbsolute(strUrl, "http://www.imdb.com/find") If VERBOSE Then Status "IMDB RETRIEVING LUCKY GUESS: " & strUrl strData = GetData(strUrl) strData = Replace(strData, vbCr, "") strData = Replace(strData, vbLf, "") End If End If Else If VERBOSE Then Status "IMDB EXACT MATCH FOUND" End If 'Parse the results and save them in a dictionary Do While InStr(strData, NAME_START) <> 0 strData = Mid(strData, InStr(strData, NAME_START) + Len(NAME_START)) strName = Left(strData, InStr(strData, NAME_STOP) - 1) strName = Sanitize(strName) strData = Mid(strData, InStr(strData, VALUE_START)) strValue = Left(strData, InStr(strData, VALUE_STOP) - 1) strValue = UnescapeHtml(strValue) strValue = Trim(strValue) If Right(strValue, 4) = "more" Then strValue = Left(strValue, Len(strValue) - 4) strValue = Sanitize(strValue) If Right(strValue, 4) = "more" Then strValue = Left(strValue, Len(strValue) - 4) If Not dict.Exists(strName) Then If VERBOSE Then Status "IMDB " & strName & ": " & Left(strValue, 50) dict.Add strName, strValue End If Loop 'Return the full dictionary Set CreateDictionaryIMDB = dict End Function Function Sanitize(strRawData) 'Removes linefeeds, tabs, excess spaces, quotes Dim strData strData = strRawData strData = Replace(strData, """", "") strData = Replace(strData, vbCr, " ") strData = Replace(strData, vbLf, " ") strData = Replace(strData, vbTab, " ") strData = KillBetween(strData, "<", ">") strData = KillBetween(strData, "<", ">") strData = KillBetween(strData, "<", ">") Do While InStr(strData, " ") <> 0 strData = Replace(strData, " ", " ") Loop strData = Trim(strData) strData = Left(strData, 254) Sanitize = strData End Function Function GetData(strUrl) 'Returns string from an HTTP URL Dim web Const WinHttpRequestOption_EnableRedirects = 6 Set web = Nothing On Error Resume Next Set web = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") If web Is Nothing Then Set web = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest") If web Is Nothing Then Set web = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") If web Is Nothing Then Set web = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") If web Is Nothing Then GetData = "" Exit Function End If web.Option(WinHttpRequestOption_EnableRedirects) = True web.Open "GET", strURL, False web.SetRequestHeader "REFERER", strUrl web.SetRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)" web.SetRequestHeader "Accept", "text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5" web.SetRequestHeader "Accept-Language", "en-us,en;q=0.5" web.SetRequestHeader "Accept-Charset", "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7" web.Send If web.Status = "200" Then GetData = web.ResponseText Else GetData = "" End If End Function Function KillBetween(strText, strStart, strEnd) 'Used here to remove all HTML tags Dim strIn, strOut Dim lngStart, lngEnd 'Do we have anything to do? lngStart = InStr(1, strText, strStart, vbTextCompare) If lngStart = 0 Then KillBetween = strText Exit Function End If lngEnd = InStr(lngStart, strText, strEnd, vbTextCompare) If lngEnd = 0 Then KillBetween = strText Exit Function End If strIn = strText 'Don't modify input variables strOut = "" 'Start with nothing Do 'Get all text up to the start of tag strOut = strOut & Left(strIn, lngStart - 1) 'Wipe out everything up to the end of the section strIn = Mid(strIn, lngEnd + Len(strEnd)) lngStart = InStr(1, strIn, strStart, vbTextCompare) If lngStart = 0 Then Exit Do lngEnd = InStr(lngStart, strIn, strEnd, vbTextCompare) If lngEnd = 0 Then Exit Do Loop KillBetween = strOut & " " & strIn End Function Function MakeAbsolute(strLinkURL, strCurrentURL) 'Returns an absolute link URL. The strLinkURL can be 'any type, but the strCurrentURL must be absolute. Dim strCurrentFolder, strMakeAbsolute, strRoot, strDocument, strPart1, strPart2, lngDots strRoot = "" 'Initialize empty because we'll test later to see if it's been set. 'There are 3 link types: absolute, root, and relative. 'Handle the easiest case: Is strLinkURL already absolute? If Left(strLinkURL, 7) = "http://" Then MakeAbsolute = strLinkURL Exit Function End If 'Now we only have 2 remaining link types: root and relative 'There are 3 current URL types: document, folder, and root. 'Take the strCurrentURL and generate a current folder and root (both with no trailing slash) strCurrentFolder = Split(strCurrentURL, "?")(0) 'Remove any GET arguments If InStr(8, strCurrentFolder, "/") <> 0 Then 'strCurrentFolder is a document or a folder. Crop to the last slash to make it a folder. strCurrentFolder = Left(strCurrentFolder, InStrRev(strCurrentFolder, "/") - 1) If InStr(8, strCurrentFolder, "/") = 0 Then strRoot = strCurrentFolder Else strRoot = Left(strCurrentFolder, InStr(8, strCurrentFolder, "/") - 1) End If Else 'strCurrentFolder must be a root (http://nowhere.com/). Be sure it has no trailing slash. If Right(strCurrentFolder, 1) = "/" Then strCurrentFolder = Left(strCurrentFolder, Len(strCurrentFolder) - 1) strRoot = strCurrentFolder End If End If 'Handle the next easiest link type: Is strLinkURL a root reference? If Left(strLinkURL, 1) = "/" Then MakeAbsolute = strRoot & strLinkURL Exit Function End If 'Now the only link type we have is relative. 'Now handle the relative link. strMakeAbsolute = strCurrentFolder & "/" & strLinkURL 'Remove any double dots Do While InStr(strMakeAbsolute, "/../") <> 0 'http://machine/a/b/../index.html lngDots = InStr(strMakeAbsolute, "/../") strPart1 = Left(strMakeAbsolute, lngDots - 1) 'http://machine/a/b strPart2 = Mid(strMakeAbsolute, lngDots + 3) '/index.html strPart1 = Left(strPart1, InStrRev(strPart1, "/") - 1) 'http://machine/a strMakeAbsolute = strPart1 & strPart2 'http://machine/a/index.html Loop MakeAbsolute = strMakeAbsolute End Function Function UnescapeHtml(strHtml) Dim strOut, strChar, strWord Dim lngLength, lngPosition, lngChar strOut = strHtml 'Replace hex escapes. lngPosition = Instr(strOut, "&#x") Do While lngPosition <> 0 'Get the number after the &# sequence strChar = FirstNumber(Mid(strOut, lngPosition, 9)) lngLength = Len("&#x" & strChar) 'Is there a trailing semicolon? If Mid(strOut, lngPosition + lngLength, 1) = ";" Then lngLength = lngLength + 1 End If 'Convert the number after &# to an ASCII or Unicode character lngChar = CLng("&H" & strChar) If lngChar > 255 Then strChar = ChrW(lngChar) Else strChar = Chr(lngChar) End If 'Replace the escaped sequence with the actual character strOut = Left(strOut, lngPosition - 1) & strChar & Mid(strOut, lngPosition + lngLength) lngPosition = Instr(strOut, "&#x") Loop 'Replace decimal escapes. lngPosition = Instr(strOut, "&#") Do While lngPosition <> 0 'Get the number after the &# sequence strChar = FirstNumber(Mid(strOut, lngPosition, 6)) lngLength = Len("&#" & strChar) 'Is there a trailing semicolon? If Mid(strOut, lngPosition + lngLength, 1) = ";" Then lngLength = lngLength + 1 End If 'Convert the number after &# to an ASCII or Unicode character lngChar = CLng(strChar) If lngChar > 255 Then strChar = ChrW(lngChar) Else strChar = Chr(lngChar) End If 'Replace the escaped sequence with the actual character strOut = Left(strOut, lngPosition - 1) & strChar & Mid(strOut, lngPosition + lngLength) lngPosition = Instr(strOut, "&#") Loop 'Replace common workaround for TradeMark character Do While Instr(strOut, "<SUP><SMALL>TM</SMALL></SUP>") <> 0 : strOut = Replace(strOut, "<SUP><SMALL>TM</SMALL></SUP>", Chr(153)) : Loop Do While Instr(strOut, "<sup><small>TM</small></sup>") <> 0 : strOut = Replace(strOut, "<sup><small>TM</small></sup>", Chr(153)) : Loop 'Replace odd apostrophe Do While Instr(strOut, "’") <> 0 : strOut = Replace(strOut, "’", "'") : Loop 'Replace items with duplicate codes ReplaceHtmlEscape strOut, "−", 45 ReplaceHtmlEscape strOut, "/", 47 ReplaceHtmlEscape strOut, "―", 95 ReplaceHtmlEscape strOut, "&ldots;", 133 ReplaceHtmlEscape strOut, "’", 145 ReplaceHtmlEscape strOut, "”", 147 ReplaceHtmlEscape strOut, "&endash;", 150 ReplaceHtmlEscape strOut, "—", 151 ReplaceHtmlEscape strOut, "&brkbar;", 166 ReplaceHtmlEscape strOut, "¨", 168 ReplaceHtmlEscape strOut, "½", 189 ReplaceHtmlEscape strOut, "€", 128 'Now continue unescaping everything else lngChar = 32 For Each strWord In Split("sp excl quot num dollar percnt amp apos lpar rpar ast plus comma hyphen period") ReplaceHtmlEscape strOut, strWord, lngChar lngChar = lngChar + 1 Next lngChar = 58 For Each strWord In Split("colon semi lt equals gt quest commat") ReplaceHtmlEscape strOut, strWord, lngChar lngChar = lngChar + 1 Next lngChar = 91 For Each strWord In Split("lsqb bsol rsqb circ lowbar grave") ReplaceHtmlEscape strOut, strWord, lngChar lngChar = lngChar + 1 Next lngChar = 123 For Each strWord In Split("lcub verbar rcub tilde") ReplaceHtmlEscape strOut, strWord, lngChar lngChar = lngChar + 1 Next lngChar = 130 For Each strWord In Split("lsquor fnof ldquor hellip dagger Dagger") ReplaceHtmlEscape strOut, strWord, lngChar lngChar = lngChar + 1 Next lngChar = 137 For Each strWord In Split("permil Scaron lsaquo OElig") ReplaceHtmlEscape strOut, strWord, lngChar lngChar = lngChar + 1 Next lngChar = 145 For Each strWord In Split("lsquo rsquo ldquo rdquo bull ndash emdash tilde trade scaron rsaquo oelig") ReplaceHtmlEscape strOut, strWord, lngChar lngChar = lngChar + 1 Next lngChar = 159 For Each strWord In Split("Yuml nbsp iexcl cent pound curren yen brvbar sect uml") ReplaceHtmlEscape strOut, strWord, lngChar lngChar = lngChar + 1 Next lngChar = 169 For Each strWord In Split("copy ordf laquo not shy reg macr deg plusmn sup2 sup3 acute micro para middot cedil sup1 ordm raquo frac14 frac12") ReplaceHtmlEscape strOut, strWord, lngChar lngChar = lngChar + 1 Next lngChar = 190 For Each strWord In Split("frac34 iquest Agrave Aacute Acirc Atilde Auml Aring AElig Ccedil Egrave Eacute Ecirc Euml Igrave Iacute Icirc Iuml ETH Ntilde Ograve Oacute Ocirc Otilde Ouml times Oslash Ugrave Uacute Ucirc Uuml Yacute THORN szlig agrave aacute acirc atilde auml aring aelig ccedil egrave eacute ecirc euml igrave iacute icirc iuml eth ntilde ograve oacute ocirc otilde ouml divide oslash ugrave uacute ucirc uuml yacute thorn yuml") ReplaceHtmlEscape strOut, strWord, lngChar lngChar = lngChar + 1 Next UnescapeHtml = strOut End Function Sub ReplaceHtmlEscape(ByRef strHtmlText, strEscapeString, lngCharCode) 'MODIFIES INPUT DATA strHtmlText Dim strEscape, strCharCode 'Starting values strEscape = strEscapeString strCharCode = Chr(lngCharCode) 'First make the escape string "Microsoft format" (no trailing semicolon). If Left(strEscape, 1) <> "&" Then strEscape = "&" & strEscape If Right(strEscape, 1) = ";" Then strEscape = Left(strEscape, Len(strEscape) - 1) 'Replace standard format Do While Instr(strHtmlText, strEscape & ";") <> 0 strHtmlText = Replace(strHtmlText, strEscape & ";", strCharCode, 1, -1, vbTextCompare) Loop 'Replace Microsoft format Do While Instr(strHtmlText, strEscape) <> 0 strHtmlText = Replace(strHtmlText, strEscape, strCharCode, 1, -1, vbTextCompare) Loop End Sub Function FirstNumber(strNumber) 'As String 'Returns the first number in a string. For example 'CA0567-2 returns 0567 'If there are no numbers, an empty string is returned. Dim strBuffer Dim intCounter Dim blnNumeric If IsNull(strNumber) Then FirstNumber = "" Exit Function End If If strNumber = "" Then FirstNumber = "" Exit Function End If strBuffer = "" blnNumeric = False For intCounter = 1 To Len(strNumber) If IsNumeric(Mid(strNumber, intCounter, 1)) Then blnNumeric = True strBuffer = strBuffer & Mid(strNumber, intCounter, 1) Else If blnNumeric Then Exit For End If Next FirstNumber = strBuffer End Function Function CreateDictionary(strMultiplyDelimitedString, strItemSeparator, strEntrySeparator) 'As Scripting.Dictionary 'Accepts a multiply-delimited string and returns a dictionary. For example 'Set dict=CreateDictionary("counts=9.3&name=Eric Phelps", "=", "&") becomes available like this... 'dict.Item("counts") will return "9.3", and dict.Item("name") returns "Eric Phelps". 'Likewise dict.Exists("counts") is True and dict.Exists("xyftc") is False. Dim strQuery 'As String Dim strName 'As String Dim strValue 'As String Dim dict 'As Object Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") strQuery = strMultiplyDelimitedString Do While strQuery <> "" strName = Left(strQuery, InStr(strQuery, strItemSeparator) - 1) strQuery = Mid(strQuery, InStr(strQuery, strItemSeparator) + Len(strItemSeparator)) If InStr(strQuery, strEntrySeparator) = 0 Then strValue = strQuery strQuery = "" Else strValue = Left(strQuery, InStr(strQuery, strEntrySeparator) - 1) strQuery = Mid(strQuery, InStr(strQuery, strEntrySeparator) + Len(strEntrySeparator)) End If If Not dict.Exists(strName) Then dict.Add strName, strValue End If Loop Set CreateDictionary = dict Set dict = Nothing End Function Sub RecycleFile(strFilePath) If CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").FileExists(strFilePath) Then CreateObject("Shell.Application").NameSpace(strFilePath).Self.InvokeVerb("&Delete") End If End Sub Sub Status (strMessage) 'If the program was run with CSCRIPT, this writes a line into the DOS box. If Lcase(Right(Wscript.FullName, 12)) = "\cscript.exe" Then Wscript.Echo strMessage 'And optionally write the message to a log file! If VERBOSE And LOGGING Then 'Don't log the "Waiting" messages If Instr(strMessage, "Waiting") <> 1 Then WriteLog strMessage End If End If End If End Sub Sub WriteLog(strText) Dim fs 'As Scripting.FileSystemObject Dim ts 'As Scripting.TextStream Const ForAppending = 8 Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set ts = fs.OpenTextFile(Left(Wscript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev(Wscript.ScriptFullName, ".")) & "log", ForAppending, True) ts.WriteLine strText ts.Close End Sub Function RemoveSpaces(strFile) 'Turns strings like "Your name here" into "YourNameHere" Dim strFileName, strPunctuation strFileName = strFile 'Remove the spaces -and- capitalize each word Do While Instr(strFileName, " ") <> 0 strFileName = Left(strFileName, Instr(strFileName, " ") -1) & Ucase(Mid(strFileName, Instr(strFileName, " ") + 1, 1)) & Mid(strFileName, Instr(strFileName, " ") + 2) Loop 'Remove punctuation For Each strPunctuation In Split("; , ' ( ) ? ~ ! @ # % ^ & * - _ + = |") Do While Instr(strFileName, strPunctuation) <> 0 strFileName = Left(strFileName, Instr(strFileName, strPunctuation) -1) & Mid(strFileName, Instr(strFileName, strPunctuation) + 1) Loop Next RemoveSpaces = strFileName End Function Function AddSpaces(strFile) 'Turns strings like "YourNameHere" into "Your Name Here" 'Should also consider strings like "FerrisBueller'sDayOff", "Fail-Safe", "AlienVs.Predator", "12-01" Dim intLetter, strOut strOut = Left(strFile, 1) For intLetter = 2 To Len(strFile) If UCase(Mid(strFile, intLetter, 1)) = Mid(strFile, intLetter, 1) Then 'It's upper case, number, or punctuation If LCase(Mid(strFile, intLetter, 1)) = Mid(strFile, intLetter, 1) Then 'It's punctuation or number If InStr("0123456789", Mid(strFile, intLetter, 1)) <> 0 Then 'It's a number If Instr("0123456789", Mid(strFile, intLetter - 1, 1)) <> 0 Then 'It's a number and the previous character was a number. Let it go unchanged. strOut = strOut & Mid(strFile, intLetter, 1) Else 'It's the beginning of a number If Instr(" -", Mid(strFile, intLetter - 1, 1)) <> 0 Then 'It's the beginning of a number preceeded by a space or dash. Let it go unchanged. strOut = strOut & Mid(strFile, intLetter, 1) Else 'It's the beginning of a number not preceeded by a space or dash... So add a space. strOut = strOut & " " & Mid(strFile, intLetter, 1) End If End If Else 'It's punctuation End If Else 'It's upper case If Instr(" '-", Mid(strFile, intLetter - 1, 1)) <> 0 Then 'It's upper case and the previous letter isn't a space or special character... So add a space! strOut = strOut & " " & Mid(strFile, intLetter, 1) Else 'It's upper case, but the previous letter was a space or special character. Let it go unchanged. strOut = strOut & Mid(strFile, intLetter, 1) End If End If Else 'It's lower case. Let it go unchanged. strOut = strOut & Mid(strFile, intLetter, 1) End If Next AddSpaces = strOut End Function Function LongName(strFullPathAndFile) 'Converts a legitimate short file name into the long file name Dim strOriginalFile Dim fs, fil, fils, fol Dim blnFound Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") blnFound = False strOriginalFile = fs.GetFile(strFullPathAndFile).ShortPath Set fol = fs.GetFolder(fs.GetParentFolderName(strFullPathAndFile)) Set fils = fol.Files For Each fil In fils If fil.ShortPath = strOriginalFile Then strOriginalFile = fil.Path blnFound = True Exit For End If Next If blnFound Then LongName = strOriginalFile Else LongName = strFullPathAndFile End If End Function Sub SubtitleSmiTimimgAdjust(strFile) 'Originally designed for an interactive two-point correction, this 'subroutine has been modified to be non-interactive with a constant 'timing offset. Const ForReading = 1 Dim fs, ts, strLine, strSmil Dim lngStart, lngEnd, strStart, strEnd, strTimeCodeMillisecs, lngTimeCodeMillisecs, lngCorrectedTimeCodeMillisecs Dim dblTime1, dblTime2, dblCorrection1, dblCorrection2, dblSlope, dblOffset 'Get the correction data dblTime1 = 0 dblCorrection1 = SMI_TIMING_CORRECTION dblTime2 = 60 dblCorrection2 = SMI_TIMING_CORRECTION 'Standardize everything in milliseconds dblTime1 = dblTime1 * 60000 dblTime2 = dblTime2 * 60000 dblCorrection1 = dblCorrection1 * 1000 dblCorrection2 = dblCorrection2 * 1000 'Calculate the correction slope dblSlope = (dblCorrection2 - dblCorrection1) / (dblTime2 - dblTime1) 'Calculate the correction offset dblOffset = dblCorrection1 - (dblTime1 * dblSlope) Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If Not fs.FileExists(strFile) Then Exit Sub Set ts = fs.OpenTextFile(strFile, ForReading, True) strSmil = "" Do Until ts.AtEndOfStream 'Read a line in and add a CRLF to the output strLine = ts.ReadLine If strSmil <> "" Then strSmil = strSmil & vbCrLf 'See if the line has SYNC caption timing data lngStart = InStr(1, strLine, "<SYNC", vbTextCompare) If lngStart <> 0 Then 'Walk through the SYNC tag to the START, then to the = to find the number lngStart = InStr(lngStart, strLine, "START", vbTextCompare) lngStart = InStr(lngStart, strLine, "=", vbTextCompare) lngStart = lngStart + 1 'Find the end of the SYNC tag. Really hope there's nothing between the number and the end of the tag! lngEnd = InStr(lngStart, strLine, ">", vbTextCompare) strStart = Left(strLine, lngStart - 1) strEnd = Mid(strLine, lngEnd) 'The SYNC time code is now (hopefully) available strTimeCodeMillisecs = Mid(strLine, lngStart, lngEnd - lngStart) 'Clean up the time code strTimeCodeMillisecs = Replace(strTimeCodeMillisecs, """", "") strTimeCodeMillisecs = Trim(strTimeCodeMillisecs) 'With any luck we actually retrieved a number If IsNumeric(strTimeCodeMillisecs) Then lngTimeCodeMillisecs = CLng(strTimeCodeMillisecs) If lngTimeCodeMillisecs <> 0 Then 'Add the fixed offset lngCorrectedTimeCodeMillisecs = lngTimeCodeMillisecs + dblOffset 'Add the correction per second lngCorrectedTimeCodeMillisecs = Clng(lngCorrectedTimeCodeMillisecs + (lngTimeCodeMillisecs * dblSlope)) 'Make the new line with the corrected value strSmil = strSmil & strStart & Cstr(lngCorrectedTimeCodeMillisecs) & strEnd Else strSmil = strSmil & strLine End If Else strSmil = strSmil & strLine End If Else strSmil = strSmil & strLine End If Loop ts.Close String2File strSmil, strFile End Sub Sub SubtitleSrtLimit(strFile) 'Fixes SRT files that have audio that appears too early but disappears at the correct time Dim dblMaxTime, fs, strSubtitleText Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") dblMaxTime = SRT_SUBTITLE_DEFAULT_MAX_TIME If Not fs.FileExists(strFile) Then Exit Sub If Not fs.GetExtensionName(strFile) = "srt" Then Exit Sub strSubtitleText = ParseSrtFile(strFile, dblMaxTime) String2File strSubtitleText, strFile End Sub Function ParseSrtFile(strFile, dblMaxTime) 'SRT subtitle correction. Called by [SubtitleSrtLimit] Const ForReading = 1 Dim fs, ts, strLine, strCount, strTime, strText, blnProcessed, strSubtitleText Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If Not fs.FileExists(strFile) Then ParseSrtFile = "" Exit Function End If Set ts = fs.OpenTextFile(strFile, ForReading, True) strTime = "" strCount = "" strText = "" blnProcessed = False 'Typical entry in SRT file: '66 '00:03:23,429 --> 00:03:26,365 'TAPS THE BACK OF YOUR FAVORITE HEAD UP AGAINST A BARROOM WALL, ' Do Until ts.AtEndOfStream blnProcessed = False strLine = ts.ReadLine If strLine <> "" Then strLine = ConvertToAnsi(strLine) 'Is the line a counter? If Not blnProcessed Then If IsNumeric(strLine) Then blnProcessed = True strCount = strLine End If End If 'Is the line timing? If Not blnProcessed Then If InStr(strLine, " --> ") <> 0 Then blnProcessed = True strTime = strLine End If End If 'Is the line text? If Not blnProcessed Then 'If none of the other tests set blnProcessed, then the line must be subtitle text If Trim(strLine) <> "" Then blnProcessed = True If strText <> "" Then strText = strText & vbCrLf strText = strText & strLine End If End If 'Is it a blank line? If Not blnProcessed Then If Trim(strLine) = "" Then blnProcessed = True strSubtitleText = strSubtitleText & ProcessSrtEntry(strCount, strTime, strText, dblMaxTime) strText = "" strTime = "" strCount = "" End If End If Loop ts.Close ParseSrtFile = strSubtitleText End Function Function ProcessSrtEntry(strCount, strOriginalTime, strText, dblMaxTime) 'SRT subtitle correction. Called by [ParseSrtFile] Dim strOut, strTime1, strTime2, strTime, dblTime1, dblTime2, blnChanged 'Typical entry in SRT file: '66 '00:03:23,429 --> 00:03:26,365 'TAPS THE BACK OF YOUR FAVORITE HEAD UP AGAINST A BARROOM WALL, ' blnChanged = False On Error Resume Next Err.Clear strTime1 = Split(strOriginalTime, " ")(0) strTime2 = Split(strOriginalTime, " ")(2) If Err.Number <> 0 Then ProcessSrtEntry = "" Exit Function End If dblTime1 = Cdbl(CDate(Split(strTime1, ",")(0))) + Cdbl(Split(strTime1, ",")(1))/86400000 dblTime2 = Cdbl(CDate(Split(strTime2, ",")(0))) + Cdbl(Split(strTime2, ",")(1))/86400000 If Err.Number = 0 Then If ((dblTime2 - dblTime1) * 86400) > dblMaxTime Then blnChanged = True dblTime2 = Cdbl(CDate(Split(strTime2, ",")(0))) 'ignore the milliseconds to prevent rounding dblTime1 = dblTime2 - (dblMaxTime/86400) strTime1 = "" strTime1 = Right("00" & Hour(dblTime1), 2) strTime1 = strTime1 & ":" & Right("00" & Minute(dblTime1), 2) strTime1 = strTime1 & ":" & Right("00" & Split(Second(dblTime1), ".")(0), 2) strTime1 = strTime1 & "," & Split(strTime2, ",")(1) 'use the milliseconds from time2 on time1 End If End If strOut = "" strOut = strOut & strCount & vbCrLf strOut = strOut & strTime1 & " --> " & strTime2 & vbCrLf strOut = strOut & strText & vbCrLf strOut = strOut & vbCrLf If blnChanged Then Status strCount & vbTab & Split(strOriginalTime, " ")(0) & " >>> " & strTime1 ProcessSrtEntry = strOut End Function Function SubtitleSmi2Srt(strSmiFile) 'Reads an SMI file and returns SRT formatted subtitle text ''''''''''''''Typical SMI format: '<!-- 3c8f 942f 0:4:18:658 --><SYNC Start=258658><P>COMPLIMENTS OF THE HOUSE. '<!-- 3ce5 942c 0:4:20:93 --><SYNC Start=260093><P><br> ''''''''''''''Typical SRT format: '4 '00:04:18.658 --> 00:04:20.093 'COMPLIMENTS OF THE HOUSE. ' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Const ForReading = 1 Dim fs, ts, strLine, strText, strLastText, lngCount Dim strTime, dblTimeMs, strLastTime, dblLastTimeMs, blnValidTime, strSrtText Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set ts = fs.OpenTextFile(strSmiFile, ForReading, True) 'Set initial values strLastTime = "00:00:00,000" dblLastTimeMs = CDbl(0) lngCount = 0 strSrtText = "" 'Read every line Do Until ts.AtEndOfStream strLine = ts.ReadLine 'See if the line has SYNC caption timing data If InStr(1, strLine, "<SYNC", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then 'Now try to find the milliseconds time code strTime = Mid(strLine, InStr(1, strLine, "<SYNC", vbTextCompare) + 5) strTime = Mid(strTime, InStr(1, strTime, "START", vbTextCompare) + 5) strTime = Mid(strTime, InStr(strTime, "=") + 1) strTime = Left(strTime, InStr(strTime, ">") - 1) strTime = Replace(strTime, """", "") strTime = Replace(strTime, "'", "") strTime = Trim(strTime) 'We have a time code. Check to see if it's valid blnValidTime = True If Not IsNumeric(strTime) Then blnValidTime = False End If If blnValidTime Then dblTimeMs = CDbl(strTime) If dblTimeMs <= dblLastTimeMs Then blnValidTime = False End If 'We only process lines that have valid time codes If blnValidTime Then 'Grabbing the current text is easy strText = Replace(strLine, "<br>", " ", 1, -1, vbTextCompare) strText = KillBetween(strText, "<", ">") strText = Trim(strText) strText = Replace(strText, " ", " ") strText = Replace(strText, " ", " ") strText = Replace(strText, "’’", "") 'Convert the strTime into SRT format strTime = "" strTime = strTime & Right("00" & Hour(CDate((Int(dblTimeMs/1000))/86400)), 2) strTime = strTime & ":" & Right("00" & Minute(CDate((Int(dblTimeMs/1000))/86400)), 2) strTime = strTime & ":" & Right("00" & Second(CDate((Int(dblTimeMs/1000))/86400)), 2) strTime = strTime & "," _ & Right("000" & Clng(dblTimeMs - (CDbl(Cdate(strTime)) * 86400000)), 3) 'Send out data If strLastText <> "" Then 'Increment the subtitle counter lngCount = lngCount + 1 'Create the SRT output string strSrtText = strSrtText & Cstr(lngCount) & vbCrLf strSrtText = strSrtText & strLastTime & " --> " & strTime & vbCrLf strSrtText = strSrtText & strLastText & vbCrLf & vbCrLf End If 'Save values strLastText = strText strLastTime = strTime End If End If Loop ts.Close SubtitleSmi2Srt = strSrtText End Function Function ConvertToAnsi(strData) 'Converts UTF-8 and Unicode to ANSI by discarding non-ANSI characters Dim strOut, lngCount, lngLength, intChar, strChar strOut = "" lngLength = Len(strData) For lngCount = 1 To lngLength strChar = Mid(strData, lngCount, 1) intChar = Asc(strChar) If ((intChar <> 0) And (intChar < 128)) Then strOut = strOut & Chr(intChar) Next ConvertToAnsi = strOut End Function Function String2File(strData, strFileName) 'Writes a string to a file. Returns True if success. Dim fs 'As Scripting.FileSystemObject Dim ts 'As Scripting.TextStream Dim lngChar, strBlock, intChar, dtTimeStamp Const ForWriting = 2 Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") On Error Resume Next If fs.FileExists(strFileName) Then dtTimeStamp = fs.GetFile(strFileName).DateLastModified Else dtTimeStamp = CDate(0) End If Err.Clear Set ts = fs.OpenTextFile(strFileName, ForWriting, True) ts.Write strData If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'Must have hit one of the "problem characters" between 128 and 159 For lngChar = 1 To Len(strData) Step 100 Err.Clear ts.Write Mid(strData, lngChar, 100) If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'This block of 100 must have the problem. Write them one-at-a-time strBlock = Mid(strData, lngChar, 100) For intChar = 1 To Len(strBlock) ts.Write Chr(255 And AscW(Mid(strBlock, intChar))) Next End If Next End If ts.Close If fs.FileExists(strFileName) Then If dtTimeStamp = fs.GetFile(strFileName).DateLastModified Then String2File = False Else String2File = True End If Else String2File = False End If End Function Function FileNameRelated(strReferenceFileName, strNewFileExtension) 'Returns a file name the same as the reference file name except for the file extension. Dim fs, strExtension Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If Left(strReferenceFileName, 1) <> "." Then strExtension = "." & strNewFileExtension Else strExtension = strNewFileExtension End If FileNameRelated = fs.BuildPath(fs.GetParentFolderName(strReferenceFileName), fs.GetBaseName(strReferenceFileName) & strExtension) End Function Sub DictionaryToFile(dic, strFile) 'Creates an ini-style file from a dictionary Dim fs 'As Scripting.FileSystemObject Dim ts 'As Scripting.TextStream Dim colNames, strName Const ForWriting = 2 Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") On Error Resume Next 'Fail silently! We don't actually need external settings. Set ts = fs.OpenTextFile(strFile, ForWriting, True) ts.WriteLine "[Settings]" ts.WriteLine "# Auto created and read by """ & WScript.ScriptFullName & """." ts.WriteLine "# May be edited. If this file is deleted, this script will " ts.WriteLine "# offer to re-create it with your desired settings." colNames = dic.Keys For Each strName In colNames ts.WriteLine Trim(strName) & "=" & Trim(dic(strName)) Next ts.Close On Error Goto 0 End Sub Function FileToDictionary(strFile) 'Reads an ini-style file and returns a dictionary Dim fs 'As Scripting.FileSystemObject Dim ts 'As Scripting.TextStream Dim strLine, dic, colNames, strName Const ForReading = 1 Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If fs.FileExists(strFile) Then Set ts = fs.OpenTextFile(strFile, ForReading, True) Do Until ts.AtEndOfStream strLine = ts.ReadLine If ((InStr(strLine, "=") > 1) And (InStr(strLine, "=") < (Len(strLine)))) Then If dic.Exists(Split(strLine, "=")(0)) Then dic(Trim(Split(strLine, "=")(0))) = Trim(Split(strLine, "=")(1)) Else dic.Add Trim(Split(strLine, "=")(0)), Trim(Split(strLine, "=")(1)) End If End If Loop ts.Close End If Set FileToDictionary = dic End Function Sub DictionaryExecute(dic) 'Assuming a dictionary full of variable names And 'values, sets all the variables to the values Dim colNames, strName colNames = dic.Keys For Each strName In colNames Execute Trim(strName) & " = " & Trim(dic(strName)) Next End Sub Function DictionaryGUI(dic) 'Displays a dictionary and allows you to edit all elements 'Modifies input dictionary! Returns boolean true if user 'checks the "save" checkbox Dim fs, web, doc Dim strFile, strChoice Dim intChars Dim dtTime Dim colNames On Error Resume Next Set web = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") If web Is Nothing Then DictionaryGUI = False Exit Function End If web.Width = 500 web.Height = 650 web.Offline = True web.AddressBar = False web.MenuBar = False web.StatusBar = False web.Silent = True web.ToolBar = False web.Navigate "about:blank" 'Wait for the browser to navigate to nowhere dtTime = Now Do While web.Busy 'Don't wait more than 5 seconds Wscript.Sleep 100 If (dtTime + 5/24/60/60) < Now Then web.Quit DictionaryGUI = False Exit Function End If Loop 'Wait for a good reference to the browser document Set doc = Nothing dtTime = Now Do Until Not doc Is Nothing Wscript.Sleep 100 Set doc = web.Document 'Don't wait more than 5 seconds If (dtTime + 5/24/60/60) < Now Then web.Quit DictionaryGUI = False Exit Function End If Loop 'Write the HTML form doc.Write "<html><head><title>" & WScript.ScriptName & " Settings" & vbCrLf doc.Write """" & WScript.ScriptName & """ settings
" & vbCrLf doc.Write WScript.Arguments(0) & "
" & vbCrLf doc.Write "Strings entered below should be quoted." & vbCrLf doc.Write "
" & vbCrLf colNames = dic.Keys doc.Write "" & vbCrLf For Each strName In colNames 'Write the form input string doc.Write "" & vbCrLf Next doc.Write "" doc.Write "" & vbCrLf doc.Write "
" & strName & "
Save to INI, don't ask again

" & vbCrLf doc.Write "
" doc.Write "
" & vbCrLf doc.Write "" 'Show the form web.Visible = True 'Wait for the user to choose, but fail gracefully if a popup killer. Err.Clear Do Until doc.Forms(0).elements("submit").Value <> "OK" Wscript.Sleep 100 If doc Is Nothing Then web.Quit DictionaryGUI = False Exit Function End If If Err.Number <> 0 Then web.Quit DictionaryGUI = False Exit Function End If Loop 'Retrieve the chosen value colNames = dic.Keys For Each strName In colNames If InStr(Trim(doc.Forms(0).elements(strName).Value), " ") = 0 Then dic(strName) = doc.Forms(0).elements(strName).Value Else If Left(doc.Forms(0).elements(strName).Value, 1) <> """" Then doc.Forms(0).elements(strName).Value = """" & doc.Forms(0).elements(strName).Value End If If Right(doc.Forms(0).elements(strName).Value, 1) <> """" Then doc.Forms(0).elements(strName).Value = doc.Forms(0).elements(strName).Value & """" End If dic(strName) = doc.Forms(0).elements(strName).Value End If Next DictionaryGUI = doc.Forms(0).elements("save").checked web.Quit End Function Function FileNameLikeMine(strFileExtension) 'As String 'Returns a file name the same as the script name except 'for the file extension. Dim fs 'As Object Dim strExtension 'As String Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") strExtension = strFileExtension If Len(strExtension) < 1 Then strExtension = "txt" If strExtension = "." Then strExtension = "txt" If Left(strExtension,1) = "." Then strExtension = Mid(strExtension, 2) FileNameLikeMine = Left(Wscript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev(Wscript.ScriptFullName, ".")) & strExtension End Function Function MakeAVSFile(strSourceFile, strBaseName, strOutputPath) 'Returns path to created file if successfull, otherwise returns empty string Dim ws, fs, strOutputFile, strAvsText Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set ws = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") On Error Resume Next 'in case RegRead fails! 'Bail out immediately if the global variable says to If Not PERMANENT_SUBTITLES Then MakeAVSFile = "" Exit Function End If 'Is AVISynth is installed? If Not("avsfile" = ws.RegRead("HKCR\.avs\")) Then MakeAVSFile = "" Exit Function End If 'Is ffdshow installed? If Not("en" = ws.RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\GNU\ffdshow\lang")) Then MakeAVSFile = "" Exit Function End If 'Make the AVS file strOutputFile = fs.BuildPath(strOutputPath, strBaseName & ".avs") strAvsText = "DirectShowSource(" & """" & strSourceFile & """" & ")" 'Toss a couple extra frames in to help audio sync strAvsText = strAvsText & vbCrLf & "DuplicateFrame(0)" strAvsText = strAvsText & vbCrLf & "DuplicateFrame(0)" strAvsText = strAvsText & vbCrLf & "DuplicateFrame(0)" strAvsText = strAvsText & vbCrLf & "DuplicateFrame(0)" strAvsText = strAvsText & vbCrLf & "DuplicateFrame(0)" strAvsText = strAvsText & vbCrLf & "DuplicateFrame(0)" strAvsText = strAvsText & vbCrLf & "DuplicateFrame(0)" strAvsText = strAvsText & vbCrLf & "DuplicateFrame(0)" String2File strAvsText, strOutputFile 'Wait for antivirus to allow file creation WScript.Sleep 500 'Return a value If fs.FileExists(strOutputFile) Then MakeAVSFile = strOutputFile Else MakeAVSFile = "" End If End Function Sub ToggleRightClick(strFileExtension) ' Adds or deletes this script as a right-click option to and extension (like ".mpg") Dim ws, fs, strKey1, strKey2 Set ws = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If strFileExtension = "" Then Exit Sub If Sanitize(strFileExtension) <> strFileExtension Then Exit Sub If Left(strFileExtension, 1) <> "." Then strFileExtension = "." & strFileExtension strKey1 = "" On Error Resume Next strKey1 = ws.RegRead("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\" & strFileExtension & "\") If strKey1 = "" Then MsgBox "That file type is not registered. No action taken" Exit Sub End If strKey2 = "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\" & strKey1 & "\shell\" & fs.GetBaseName(WScript.ScriptName) & "\" If RightClickEnabled(strFileExtension) Then ws.RegDelete strKey2 & "command\" ws.RegDelete strKey2 MsgBox "Right-Click option for """ & strKey1 & """ for this script has been REMOVED",,fs.GetBaseName(WScript.ScriptName) Else ws.RegWrite strKey2 & "command\", "cscript.exe """ & WScript.ScriptFullName & """ ""%1""", "REG_EXPAND_SZ" MsgBox "Right-Click option for """ & strKey1 & """ for this script has been ADDED",,fs.GetBaseName(WScript.ScriptName) End If End Sub Function RightClickStatus(strFileExtension) If RightClickEnabled(strFileExtension) Then RightClickStatus = "ENABLED" Else RightClickStatus = "DISABLED" End If End Function Function RightClickEnabled(strFileExtension) Dim ws, fs, strKey1, strKey2 Set ws = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") strKey2 = "" On Error Resume Next strKey1 = ws.RegRead("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\" & strFileExtension & "\") strKey2 = ws.RegRead("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\" & strKey1 & "\shell\" & fs.GetBaseName(WScript.ScriptName) & "\command\") On Error Goto 0 RightClickEnabled = Eval("" <> strKey2) End Function