@echo off :: Downloads and runs the Symantec Intelligent Updater ::Check for Win2000 or newer if not exist %windir%\system32\ftp.exe goto HELP if [%date:~10,4%]==[] goto HELP goto PROCESS :HELP echo This batch file requires Windows 2000 or newer. pause goto DONE :PROCESS :: Create the FTP Script > "%temp%\symantec.scr" echo open ftp.symantec.com >> "%temp%\symantec.scr" echo anonymous >> "%temp%\symantec.scr" echo -navuser@symantec.com >> "%temp%\symantec.scr" echo cd /public/english_us_canada/ >> "%temp%\symantec.scr" echo cd antivirus_definitions/norton_antivirus/ >> "%temp%\symantec.scr" echo binary >> "%temp%\symantec.scr" echo hash >> "%temp%\symantec.scr" echo prompt >> "%temp%\symantec.scr" echo mget %date:~10,4%%date:~7,2%%date:~4,2%-*-i32.exe >> "%temp%\symantec.scr" echo bye :: Set current directory to users TEMP directory cd /d "%temp%" :: Delete any existing intelligent updater file for %%x in (%date:~10,4%%date:~7,2%%date:~4,2%-*-i32.exe) do del %%x :: Warn user not to close windows echo Do not close this window. This window is waiting for the FTP echo program (running in a separate window) to finish. After FTP echo finishes downloading the update, this window will install echo the update, then close automatically. :: Use the FTP program to download the updater start /w %windir%\system32\ftp.exe -s:%temp%\symantec.scr :: Run the updater for %%x in (%date:~10,4%%date:~7,2%%date:~4,2%-*-i32.exe) do start /w %%x /Q ::Delete all temporary files for %%x in (%date:~10,4%%date:~7,2%%date:~4,2%-*-i32.exe) do del %%x del "%temp%\symantec.scr" :DONE cls